Flow Rate Technical Team to Calculate Oil Spill
A team has been created to figure out the total outflow of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater Horizon well, known as the Flow Rate Technical Team.
The team is comprised of members of the Minerals Management Service, the Department of Energy, and other organizations, according to the Huffington Post.
BP is under more pressure as reports of their mistakes prior to the Deepwater Horizon explosion begin to surface.
The crew from a reliable oilfield service company, Schlumberger, hired to test the cement casings of the well was sent home early by BP, hours before the explosion. BP sent the crew home before they had administered necessary tests on the well casings.
The only test that would have actually shown the strength of the well seal was not administered before BP dismissed the crew.
Although these tests could have prevented this disaster, Halliburton is still responsible for the cement casings they put in place. Investigations are pointing to Halliburton’s cement casing as the reason the natural gas was able to cause the explosion.
A crewmember of BP told “60 Minutes” that the oil giant told Transocean to ignore a major safety measure while they were sealing the well.
According to Oceana.org’s live counter, approximately 24 million gallons of oil have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico since the explosion on April 20.
Scientists fear the oil plumes floating underwater will be pushed by heavy currents and drawn into the Atlantic Ocean.
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