Why Do We Know About Solar Panels On The White House?
Solar panels will be installed on the White House rooftop as of Spring 2011, but you’ve probably heard that from popular news. The United States is expected to feel the surge of energy and follow suit, I suppose, as the president sets and example for the rest of the country.(?)
Now that a push to stop Global Warming has been stalled in the Senate, Obama has committed to pursuing this problem “on a smaller scale.” A much smaller one.
Obviously, if Obama installs solar panels on the White House, the rest of the country will follow suit and Global Warming will be slowed down just that much more.
Does the Obama Administration really think that promoting the installation of solar panels to the White House will do anything regarding our ever-increasing global warming issue?
Driving in to work today, driving back from lunch, and sifting through major news on the Huffington Post, I heard/read about the Obamas installing solar panels on the White House.
Why is this World News?
We are talking about a handful of tiny solar panels that will generate some power to one structure. When the possibility of a new solar farm came about, possibly powering entire cities, did anyone take notice?
It seems that the Obama Administration needs should be more focused on promoting actual green initiatives.
What about Nipton, California? Their entire town is designated to be powered completely by solar power, due to the advanced technology that can take advantage of the solar power received. For those of you who have heard about the Obamas adding solar panels to the White House: Have you even heard about the power options in Nipton?
I want to end this article with an idea for you to ponder: adding solar panels to the White House seems to have gained more immediate popular media attention than the disastrous flooding in Pakistan, affecting at least 14 million people and killing over 100, at least.
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Hi Annie, thanks for checking out 1stworldview. Yeah, it is definitely a simple process to sift through and delete spam in WordPress. I wish there was some kind of filter (there probably is) that would remove the spam automatically, you could probably find a widget to use with WordPress to accomplish that. Obviously it will depend on how much spam you receive. I actually get quite a bit, but am able to use WordPress to sift through it rather quickly.
Wonderful write-up, found it interesting. I am adding your web blog to my own list of faves, keep up the great articles bud!
Thanks for reading!
I found a great resource for cheap, reliable, and efficient renewable energy! Check it out: http://bit.ly/diy-renewable-energy
Great to read solar energy information. Solar is forsure vital to our renewable powerportfolio
Solar panels are expensive. Using a solar furnace would be novel, converting the steam and a turbine to run an alternator or DC generator. A lot depends on whether you want AC or DC, the voltage or current required are important, too.
That is interesting, how do you know all of that?
Currently there is no solar energy system technology that can meet the needs of this country. Democrats talk the talk but can’t walk a demonstrable solar system walk. Republicans tell it like it is!
What about wind energy? How do you feel that could help the country?
Hey! Is it okay that I go a bit off topic? I am trying to read your site on my new iPad but it doesn’t display properly, do you have any suggestions? Thanks! Candace
You are not the only one having trouble viewing with an iPad, and I hope to have the site redesigned to accomedate that issue.
I would like to see something more about this. You captured my attention and hope I will see more from you here.
Thank you for reading.
Hey thanks for yet another very interesting post. Where do you get your inspiration for all this :|?
We have based our site around the environment and technology news that affects us, so anything involving solar energy is fair game.