1st World View is a blog about social technology. Our goal is to offer interesting news and opinions about technology that affects our social lives. We understand that technology news can be hard to comprehend, so we hope to make it easy for you to understand the important technology of your time.
We will discuss topics surrounding major technology companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. We also hope to provide a clear perspective of the average technology consumer and user.
For easy-to-understand technology news and opinion, bookmark 1stWordView.
wow. absolutely awesome site with great information, i have bookmarked it and stored it as a favourite. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the great work!
Just thought I would comment and say cool theme, did you code it yourself? Really looks superb!
I did not code the theme, but I used a WordPress theme that allows for a ton of customization. Thanks for reading!