
BP Oil Spill

Our in-depth coverage of the ongoing BP Oil Spill disaster.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: The Minerals Management Service

Potential to slow down the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is getting closer as the containment dome designed to catch the leaking crude is being lowered into the water.


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Oil Spill Containment Dome Delivered

A massive containment dome arrived at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday. By Monday, BP hopes the 4-story tall iron funnel will start containing approximately 85% of the oil being released.


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BP Admits Oil Spill Could Reach 60,000 Barrels a Day

One of three leaks spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater Horizon rig has been stopped, but the flow is still just as strong.

NASA Image - May 3rd, 2010

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Oil Spill Threatening Local Wildlife and U.S. Coastline

Oil continues to rush into the Gulf of Mexico and efforts to curb the flow have failed repeatedly. The massive oil slick grows by approximately 5,000 barrels each day and seems to have already harmed local wildlife.  


Wildlife is in danger in the Gulf of Mexico

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Oil Spill Touches U.S. Coast

Today’s reports suggest the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the resulting oil slick, has reached the Louisiana coast and will remain unstoppable for weeks.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, picture courtesy of NASA

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