
BP Oil Spill

Our in-depth coverage of the ongoing BP Oil Spill disaster.

Mourning the Moratorium

The 6-month moratorium on deepwater offshore drilling was blocked on Tuesday, allowing many offshore rigs to continue production. It also allows for new deepwater contracts for offshore drilling in the Gulf.


U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman decided that a problem with one oil rig does not mean there are problems in all of them, so the moritorium was blocked.

Judge Martin Feldman’s words, according to The Huffington Post: “If some drilling equipment parts are flawed, is it rational to say all are? Are all airplanes a danger because one was? All oil tankers like Exxon Valdez? All trains? All… Continue reading

BP Oil Spill: Caps, Health, and the New Face of BP

The official estimate of the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico has been raised to 35,000 to 60,000 barrels per day. Chances are, we will not know the actual amount until the spill has been contained.



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England Shows Obama a Yellow Card



USA Defeats ENGLAND in FINAL:  2-1




UK Fueling Tension

The Times of London published a cartoon depicting U.S. President Barack Obama kicking a soccer ball, represented by the BP logo, and wearing a U.S. soccer jersey with some politically charged text.

The jersey Obama wears is possibly the most significant comment the piece makes.  It reads, “Sponsored by mid term elections inc.”

A majority of Americans were unhappy with Obama’s response to the BP oil spill crisis. In response, he took a strong stand against BP and demanded they step up in their… Continue reading

Illegal Immigrants Helping with BP Oil Spill: WHO CARES?

A New Orleans sheriff requested that federal officials investigate the crews of workers cleaning up the BP oil spill to find out if any of them are illegal immigrants.



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Birds in Peril: The Toxic Effect of BP’s Oil

Tony Hayward agrees we should kill the birds that have been soaked in oil instead of traumatically cleaning them and releasing them back into the wild.



Unlike Hayward’s previous comments that got him into trouble, this one has some merit. According to biologist Silvia Gaus in an article from Treehugger, the birds that become soaked in oil have a 1% chance of survival.  In past spills, birds that were cleaned and then released back into the wild died within approximately 7 days.   


To make things worse, the process of capturing the birds and cleaning them is… Continue reading