

Small Desert Town Switches Almost Completely to Solar Technology

A small town next to the Mojave desert will be switching 85% of their energy use to solar energy via Skyline Solar, a significant step towards U.S. energy independence.



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New iPhone 4 to be Released End of June

On Monday, June 7th, Apple CEO Steve Jobs presented the newest version of the iPhone.  The new iPhone 4 will be released to the public on June 24 and Jobs feels “…it’s the biggest leap we’ve taken since the original iPhone.”


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Gulf Oil Spill 2010: President Obama Announces Control

President Obama: “I take responsibility. It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down.”


The President also pointed out how the disaster uncovered the very comfortable relationship between the offshore oil industry and those in charge of supervising it.

The oil spill is now in its sixth week; the amount of oil released from the Deepwater Horizon well has now surpassed the amount released during the Exxon-Valdez disaster.

The hesitation of Obama to take the reins of this situation shows his concern with failure. If the U.S. Government takes over the recovery operation… Continue reading

WorldView Tech: The Facebook Privacy Resistence

If you are one of the millions complaining about Facebook and its privacy settings, just stop using it.



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Flash Animation: Adobe Abandons Apple, Joins Google

In a decision that was expected for some and a surprise for others, Adobe announced that it would stop developing technology that would allow Apple’s new iPad and upcoming iPhone to work with Adobe Flash. Continue reading