Apparently, there is nobody to blame for the Deepwater Horizon oilrig explosion or the 5,000 barrels worth of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.
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BP is planning a makeshift solution for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill since efforts to control the leak with a massive containment dome have failed.

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Potential to slow down the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is getting closer as the containment dome designed to catch the leaking crude is being lowered into the water.

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A massive containment dome arrived at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday. By Monday, BP hopes the 4-story tall iron funnel will start containing approximately 85% of the oil being released.

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The oil spill spreading in the Gulf of Mexico has reached a point approximately 20 miles off the coast of Louisiana; attempts to stop the leak at its source have so far failed. In response, a large portion of the surface oil will be contained and burned to avoid more harm to animals and the surrounding environment.

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