

New iPhone 4 to be Released End of June

On Monday, June 7th, Apple CEO Steve Jobs presented the newest version of the iPhone.  The new iPhone 4 will be released to the public on June 24 and Jobs feels “…it’s the biggest leap we’ve taken since the original iPhone.”


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Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Does Anybody Care?

TODAY, This article was posted on The Guardian: 

“Obama takes tougher line on oil spill: Obama administration directed more fire against BP, ordering it to provide daily updates on its efforts to contain the spill.”


(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / May 10, 2010)

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Flash Animation: Adobe Abandons Apple, Joins Google

In a decision that was expected for some and a surprise for others, Adobe announced that it would stop developing technology that would allow Apple’s new iPad and upcoming iPhone to work with Adobe Flash. Continue reading

Just Text Me: A Look at Communication in 2010

A look at how communication has evolved and how it can be considered both a blessing and a curse. Continue reading