Google’s Move
What is the proper stance on the issue regarding Google and their censorship infringements in China? The issue of censorship, in general, is almost always surrounded by debate and often frustration, but Google is now in the position to end the disagreements with a bold move.
The basic nature of censorship revolves around one person committing an action that another person deems inappropriate. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word “censorship” as “The act of a censor, especially in stopping the transmission or publication of matter considered objectionable.” According to this definition, the person who objects to the content will also be the censor of that content. In regards to the Google situation, the censor and the one who considers the content objectionable are two separate entities. Now, Google must censor content it does not find objectionable. There in lies the problem.
Initially, many of us came to the conclusion that, because China is the largest internet market to date, they should comply with Google for their own gain. While it seems logical for China to succumb to the ideals of the Westernized world, a closer look will reveal Google as the party responsible for a solution.
This problem exists because China, without the ability to censor the content themselves, must infringe upon Google and request that they change their approach. Google is being pushed into adjusting their process simply because it does not mesh with China’s way of doing things. Theoretically, Google is morally in the right because they are being asked to live by someone else’s standards and saying no. However, one problem keeps coming up: they signed a contract. I can’t help but feel reminded of Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien. Unfortunately, Google will not get out of their contract the way Jay Leno did.
Google must compromise for one reason: They have everything to lose.
Not only is China the largest internet market in the world, but it has been estimated that it will literally double its number of internet users from the year 2009 to 2014. The demise of Google in China seems even more impending when you consider Baidu, the search engine that puts Google in second place in China with around 60% of Chinese internet users. Some have said Google is using the censorship issue as an excuse to concede defeat to Baidu in the competition over the Chinese market, but that seems like a harsh move. Google, over time, would obviously regret their stand against censorship when looking at the profits they could lose.
This is a difficult issue. On one hand, China is stuck with a censored internet world that is causing international issues and raising frustration amongst the Chinese people. On the other hand, Google has everything to lose and has also annoyed the Chinese people with their devious tactics. This debate is frustrating because both parties are doing something wrong, or have done something wrong, and as a result are punishing the people they are meant to serve.
Google is logical in their stance against censorship, but they need to compromise in order to find continued success overseas.
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Thanks for the comments Ron,
You said that US companies wanting to change tactics to fit in line with American values is a good thing, and I agree with you. But is it okay for an American company to impose its morals on a country it is doing business in?
Censorship is in the eye of the oppressor. China is in a different stage of theirdevelopment. They laugh at us when they can consider that several of their dynastys have lasted much longer than our nation.
Google has a right to say they do not wish to comply with the censorship and other tactics the Chinese government is employing against companies that they view as a threat. If US comapnies want to change tactics that is more in line with American values all I say is it’s about time.
A company that profits from exploitation must be very cautious trying to take the high ground.
I agree that the solution to direct internet traffic to Hong Kong is a temporary one, but I also agree with those who say it was a bold and respectable move. By shifting to Hong Kong, Google has put the censorship responsiblity in China’s hands and has avoided being forced to partake in practices they do not believe in.
Even though they are risking their overall well-being, Google is taking an ethical stance that will hopefully inspire other US companies. By standing up against censorship, the issue is becoming more relevent worldwide and the countries that continue to censor content are being pressured to stop doing so by the rest of the world.
Google could quite possibly change censorship with this move…Still, when all is said and done, they have everything to lose and needs to compromise if they want to save their share of the Chinese internet market.
Yea this is probably just a temporary solution. I heard that Google is just redirecting China traffic to Google Hong Kong (, where people can view the uncensored pages offered to Hong Kong Google users. Of course, China can now choose to block access to Google Hong Kong.
How can they actually think that they would be able to censor the entire internet! Of course Google will find a way to redirect traffic or do whatever they can to get uncensored internet to everyone. To do less would be like admitting defeat and who knows what that could do to their stock price.